William Blum: Neo-Malthusian
By Stephen Gowans One billion people in the world – one-sixth of humanity – have too little to eat. One-half of humanity is malnourished. Some 18,000 children die every day from malnutrition. (1) If...
View ArticleProminent progressive intellectuals
By Gowans James Petras has taken issue with progressive public intellectuals (PPIs) who endorsed the Obama candidacy on pragmatic grounds and who argued the Democratic candidate is a lesser evil, while...
View ArticleObama
Obama’s “ascendancy is an excellent illustration of how the system handles dissent. A black face, a soothing voice and a vague message of change – all designed to keep the rabble pacified without...
View ArticleObama and Miracles that Never Happen
By Gowans If 10 times more people claimed to have attended Woodstock than were actually there, I suspect 10 times more people claim to have wept at Obama’s election victory than actually did. Weeping...
View ArticleCynicism as a substitute for scholarship
“…against those who substitute moral certainty for knowledge, and who feel virtuous even when acting on the basis of total ignorance.”* By Stephen Gowans Mahmood Mamdani’s largely sympathetic analysis...
View ArticleObama’s Iraq withdrawal plans and MoveOn
By Stephen Gowans Michael D. Yates wrote an MRZine article accusing Fox and CNN journalists, and Michael Steele, the first black person to be selected to chair the Republican National Committee, of...
View ArticleThe Concerned Africa Scholars’ Enthusiasms
By Stephen Gowans Professor of Development Studies at the University of Johannesburg David Moore’s Mamdani’s Enthusiasms, which appeared on the Concerned Africa Scholars’ website on March 16, 2009,...
View ArticleThe Limits of Progressive Thought: A Review of Donald Gutstein’s Not a...
By Stephen Gowans Progressive media analyst Donald Gutstein, a professor in the school of communication at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, and a former co-director of Project Censored, has written...
View ArticleObama Better than Bush? Yes, But for Who?
By Stephen Gowans The view of the New York Times and its columnist Paul Krugman is that the Obama presidency isn’t proceeding the way it was supposed to. The president has failed his liberal Democratic...
View ArticleWars for Profits: A No-Nonsense Guide to Why the United States Seeks to Make...
By Stephen Gowans Flipping idly through my morning newspaper, my eyes fell upon a headline, which, given its significance, should have appeared on the front page, but instead was tucked away at the...
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